domingo, 20 de febrero de 2022



Agriculture in argentina

What they grow the most is soybeans, wheat, corn, sunflowers, sorghum and barley. what they export the most worldwide is: yerba mate, world producer of soybeans and soybean flour, world producer of corn, lemon, soybean oil and biodiesel based on soybean oil, seed and sunflower oil.

In the winter weather they produce more wheat, oats, barley, rye to name the most important. With the use of new technologies and improving management within each lot. In case of applications with sprayers.

Personal Comment:

I think that like most of America it generates good agriculture as well as contains fertile land.

1 comentario:

  1. I think Argentina is great, since it has a lot of history and culture and I find it interesting that Argentina exports many things based on soybeans, thanks to its climate they can produce many crops and generate many products based on soybeans and these products are very popular in this place According to my point of view, I found all the information on this Blog very incredible.



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