lunes, 21 de febrero de 2022



Geographical Regions

Argentina has eight natural geographic regions, which are differentiated by relief, climate and activities that take place in them, we can see the eight regions in the picture. 
Pampean or also known as Llanura Platense being the most important region for Argentina. 

The Argentine Sea is a sector of the Atlantic Ocean that covers the entire continental shelf adjacent to the coasts of the Argentine Republic. This sea is defined as an Ecological region and has an extension of more than 1,000,000 square kilometers, which includes from the mouth of the Rio de la Plata estuary to the north, to the Isla de los Estados to the south, also It extends from the Argentine coast to the 200-meter depth isobath, which includes the Malvinas Islands.

  • Northwest, are the provinces of Jujuy, Salta, Catamarca, La Rioja, Tucumán and Santiago del Estero.
  • The province of Chaco, located in the north of the Argentine Republic, currently has 25 departments.
  • Mesopotamia covers the provinces of Misiones, Corrientes and Entre Ríos.
  • The provinces that make up Cuyo are San Juan, Mendoza and San Luis.
  • Las Sierras Pampaneas is made up of the provinces of Buenos Aires, Entre Ríos, Santa Fe, Córdoba, La Pampa and San Luis. It is an extensive plain, with undulations, one of the most fertile in the world.
  • The humid Pampa is found in the center-west and south of the province and also occupies part of the territory of the provinces of Santa Fe, Entre Ríos, and Buenos Aires.
  • The Pampa Seca covers part of the southwest of the provinces of Buenos Aires, the center of La Pampa and the south of the province of San Luis.
  • the provinces that make up Patagonia are Neuquén, Río Negro, Chubut, Santa Cruz.

Personal Comment: 

I think it is very interesting how its regions are composed since it is through the climatic type and if we realize some provinces contain even 3 regions. In addition, it is very large and generally easy to locate on maps, being the end of America and Chile next to it. I would like to meet between rivers, Diamante, which is a city, and Catamarca, being a valley. and you? I would also like to know your island and its beaches.

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